B78 3 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

B78 3 is a postcode sector in Lichfield, UK. Below is a complete list of B78 3 Postcodes (Active). B78 3 postcode sector comprises of 260 active postcodes. B78 3 sector has a population of 9504, and it has 3923 properties in the region.

Browse Information On B78 3 postcode sector

B78 3 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 9504
Addresses / Property Count 3923
Active Postcodes 260
Nearby Postcode Districts 78
Nearby Postcode Sectors 2

View Map Of B78 3 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 260 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
B78 3AA 52.64123300 -1.73573800 28 81 417979 304865
B78 3AB 52.64039700 -1.73569800 38 73 417982 304772
B78 3AD 52.64378900 -1.73683100 22 51 417904 305149
B78 3AE 52.64326700 -1.73639000 15 32 417934 305091
B78 3AF 52.64260700 -1.73904000 13 28 417755 305017
B78 3AG 52.64196700 -1.74204400 17 46 417552 304945
B78 3AH 52.64374200 -1.73588500 4 11 417968 305144
B78 3AJ 52.64318200 -1.73899200 16 47 417758 305081
B78 3AL 52.64312300 -1.74072200 8 17 417641 305074
B78 3AN 52.64207700 -1.74746700 22 57 417185 304956
B78 3AQ 52.64232800 -1.74270700 13 31 417507 304985
B78 3AR 52.64295300 -1.75353600 1 2 416774 305052
B78 3AS 52.64121200 -1.73839800 33 78 417799 304862
B78 3AT 52.63807200 -1.73692400 2 3 417900 304513
B78 3AU 52.63339300 -1.73966400 7 18 417716 303992
B78 3AW 52.64240500 -1.75005900 N/A N/A 417009 304992
B78 3AX 52.63270600 -1.72597100 3 6 418643 303919
B78 3AY 52.64105900 -1.75065000 17 34 416970 304842
B78 3AZ 52.63916800 -1.74984100 2 6 417025 304632
B78 3BF 52.61154500 -1.69985200 52 86 420421 301572
B78 3BG 52.64191600 -1.73545300 24 59 417998 304941
B78 3BL 52.62116200 -1.71763900 4 10 419212 302637
B78 3BN 52.63182200 -1.72093900 N/A N/A 418984 303822
B78 3BQ 52.63167400 -1.71901900 N/A N/A 419114 303806
B78 3BS 52.63061400 -1.71552400 N/A N/A 419351 303689
B78 3BT 52.63015400 -1.71493600 N/A N/A 419391 303638
B78 3BU 52.63090800 -1.71825600 N/A N/A 419166 303721
B78 3BW 52.62987800 -1.71612000 N/A N/A 419311 303607
B78 3BX 52.63147000 -1.71622800 N/A N/A 419303 303784
B78 3BZ 52.63193500 -1.71909100 N/A N/A 419109 303835
B78 3DA 52.62997500 -1.75084600 1 1 416961 303609
B78 3DB 52.62641300 -1.75857800 5 11 416439 303211
B78 3DE 52.62670900 -1.76241700 15 35 416179 303243
B78 3DF 52.62747100 -1.76587000 23 52 415945 303327
B78 3DH 52.63659800 -1.75907600 N/A N/A 416401 304344
B78 3DJ 52.62288700 -1.74528000 1 2 417340 302822
B78 3DN 52.62413200 -1.76866500 7 17 415757 302955
B78 3DP 52.62262000 -1.76797900 7 16 415804 302787
B78 3DQ 52.62272800 -1.72955600 2 5 418405 302808
B78 3DR 52.62160700 -1.73511700 5 13 418029 302682
B78 3DS 52.62083100 -1.73345300 N/A N/A 418142 302596
B78 3DT 52.60054900 -1.76282400 N/A N/A 416161 300333
B78 3DU 52.64105200 -1.74346100 4 9 417456 304843
B78 3DW 52.62424600 -1.76727600 27 64 415851 302968
B78 3DX 52.61257600 -1.74491900 3 8 417369 301675
B78 3DY 52.60796500 -1.74578000 9 23 417312 301162
B78 3DZ 52.60331200 -1.75621700 4 9 416607 300642
B78 3EA 52.60593900 -1.76508400 16 45 416006 300932
B78 3EB 52.61230100 -1.75996200 4 8 416351 301641
B78 3ED 52.61541700 -1.76205000 8 20 416208 301987
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